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Photography and text:
Arturo Soto
Rob van Hoesel
Marc Gijzen
Wilco Art Books (NL)
Van Hees Patist (NL)
Arturo Soto grew up listening to his father’s stories about his youth in Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) and El Paso (USA). Through photographs and texts, Border Documents depicts sites his father associates with specific memories. Their collaboration emphasizes everyday occurrences that reveal how personal emotions become embedded in public spaces, although these tender stories also capture the time before technology dominated our lives. Perhaps most importantly, the book departs from the media’s reductive focus on the region, which tends to foreground the violence produced by drug trafficking, illegal migration, and corruption.
In the book, Soto’s images from the streets of Juárez and El Paso are combined with the memories of his father (written by Soto). The anachronistic interplay between text and images has an alienating and catching effect, that separates us from the present-day notions on this border region.
Oscillating between the personal and the political, Border Documents reminds us, as the critic Edward Soja once remarked, that biographies are geographies as much as they are histories.
Arturo Soto is a Mexican photographer and writer interested in exploring the relationship between landscape and state of mind through sequences of images that capture the social values located in the urban environment but that also reflect his thoughts and desires. His artistic practice owes a great deal to the work of the French writer Georges Perec, whose fragmentary and often absurd projects offer a methodology for the study of the infraordinary, the term he coined to describe the nothingness that comprises the bulk of our lives. Perec highlighted the complexity of micro-events and banal spaces, exposing the partiality and selectivity of our attention and making us question why we grant significance to certain things while overlooking others. Perec’s writings provide a fitting analogy for documentary images, which give a realistic impression of the world while also connoting an authorial vision. Soto holds a PhD in Fine Art from the University of Oxford, an MFA in Photography from the School of Visual Arts in New York, and an MA in Art History from University College London.