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A colourful speculation on the deep future of electronic waste as it sediments into Earth’s stratigraphic record.
A photographic exploration of the offshore oil and gas industry, highlighting the raw structures on the sea while evoking a sense of awe and guilt.
The transformation of a physical desktop into a digital world by using projective texturing to create a dataset of 3D objects.
A speculative future, investigating the effects of a symbiotic exchange of genetic and cultural traits.
An observation of the quest to develop an improved interpretation model of satellite data for remote sensing research.
A surprising and critical artistic view of the downsides of the digital platform economy.
The catalogue of the 8th edition of the festival, with a broad selection of photographic works and interviews with curators.
A visual examination of groundbreaking research in the beta domain, such as gravitational waves, soft robotic matter, and DNA technology.
Following the path of neutrino beams from CERN to Gran Sasso by car, resulting in a road movie and publication with a detailed map.
A documentary fairy tale about the dream of flying, focusing on several Chinese farmers bulding their own aircraft.
A visualisation of our desire to be connected at all times, by photographing the surfaces of various smartphones and tablets.
An intersection of essays and projects showing the current and future possibilities of scent in media and communication design.
An examination of the development of new food crops and how this process bears upon the world food problem.
An investigation of the mystic nature of high-tech research, focusing on the relationship between people and technology.